Essential Worker COVID-19
Gift Photo Sessions
What is this?
During this time of the COVID-19 we see so many people go out every day, as essential workers.
Self-less Heroes.
It takes courage to keep going out in this area of the country, knowing that you might bring the virus back home with you, infecting yourself or your family members - putting those you love at risk.
There are not many ways I can reach out and thank you right now, but I am excited to announce that I will be gifting 5 (Five) Full Photography Sessions, to be redeemed once the work-at-home mandate as been lifted and non-essential workers, like myself, can go back outside to hang out with you. This is a gift to celebrate and thank those who continue to serve all of us, while we get to stay safe at home!
There are so many who deserve something special as a thank you, so I decided I would love to have YOU nominate who you think deserves this & who would love a photo session as a thank you gift.
The nomination time will be from now until Tuesday, April 28th, 2020. At the end of that day, I will choose the winners and I will reach out to you, who put in the nomination, and the recipient of this gift!
All winners will be notified privately by Wednesday, April 29th, 2020.
I am located in the Hudson Valley, but I am offering this Gift within a 100 mile radius of my location. Please see the Nomination Rules below for details on that.
I am excited to be able to give back to those who give so much! Please feel free to share this.
HOw to nominate an essential worker.
It is as simple as filling out this Nomination Form.
other info & questions answered.
Q: What if I know several people/families I want to nominate?
A: You can nominate as many as you want!
Q: How will you pick the winners?
A: I will read the nominations carefully and choose which ones stand out to me the most. I will choose them from a variety of work fields - all of them are important!
Nomination Rules:
- The person/family nominated cannot reside more than 100 miles from my location (my zip code is 10996). Please contact me, if your nominee is just outside that radius and you would like to nominate them anyway. Depending on how far they are, I might make an exception.
- The person/family has to be an essential worker. It does not matter what kind (health care worker, postal/shipping employee, employee at stores that remain open for our needs, etc.), but it does have to be an officially recognized essential worker.
- The person/family has to be willing to use the Gift before May 2021.